
Mao Lee and his story about Snowdog


We keep introducing you to the active fishermen who use American Snowdogs. Today, Mao Lee (Monkey On My Back Outdoors) tells us how he has successfully operated Snowdog B13 MER during 20/21 season. He went far away, had a good catch. Now, he is making big plans for the ice fishing in the upcoming season. Recently, Mao made a video on how he uses his Snowdog and how he stores it during the off-season. We suppose it can be useful for you.

“Hello, guys! This is Mao. I’m recording from my shed now. This is my Snowdog B13 MER. Now, it’s standing on the blocks. I recommend storing it with the tracks off the ground. This is how I store it over the summer. Now, it’s time to share previous years’ experience. I think it did awesome. It was very versatile, strong, and able to pull several people. It really changed the game. It was able to let me more faster on the ice if you get to it. I put a nice auger over here.

I can’t wait to get out and use it again in this season. It really changed my game and I think it will change your game, too”.