10 days of photo contest with gifts from Snowdog


We have had no contests for a pretty long time. Our media manager has decided this should be fixed.

We have a great branded clothes line that includes Snowdog hoodies, hats and caps. And some of you will get it all together with a utility cargo box. What is required?

Read on. We are announcing the contest for the best picture of your Snowdog on the early ice (clear and beautiful). Year of the photo and Snowdog model do not matter. Humor and creativity are appreciated.

Your pictures are accepted from December 15 to December 24 through DM on Facebook and Instagram. To take part, you need to be our follower on these social networks.

This will also be greatly appreciated if you add some info on the pictured location, who took it and a short story about your Snowdog. Any funny stories with Snowdog and how you use it will increase your chances to win.

On December 25th, after reviewing and discussing, we will announce the winners who will get the Christmas gifts.

Good luck, guys!