
New accessory and contest!


Folks, the widely known Ice Fishing & Winter Sports Show in St. Paul begins tomorrow, December 6th. We remind you that Snowdog booth will be open at the main arena for 3 days.

The day after tomorrow at 1 pm, we will present our new accessory that will definitely revolutionize your idea of possibilities of Snowdog. It is patented in co-authorship with an avid Snowdogger whose name and the details on this new product we will tell you later.

You have a chance to become the first owner of this accessory. Right after the presentation, we will announce the results of the contest which has three conditions:

  • You are a Snowdog owner;
  • You are subscribed to us on social networks;
  • You have left a comment under the post on Facebook or on Instagram describing what attracts you in Snowdog and story with your Snowdog.

The comments left till 11 pm December 6, will be submitted to the contest. On December 7th, right after the presentation, the famous blogger and angler will summarize the results using a special program for random selection of the winner. Prize places and encouragement gifts will also be offered. Try your luck!

P.S. FYI, the new accessory is designed only for SnowdogX and Snowdog Sport models made after 2023. Later on, we will offer special adapters for the older Snowdog models. Thank you for your interest!